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Humanity's Promise Int'l

Project: Self-manageable charitable fundraising website

We were tasked with developing a new, modernized, self-manageable, auto-adaptive, mobile-friendly website for Humanity's Promise Int'l, a Calgary-based charitable organization providing humanitarian services in Eastern Africa. Their mission is to the people of South Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya. They are a charitable non-political humanitarian relief organization that seeks to work beyond the boundaries of tribal issues providing funding that helps purchase and supply seeds, equipment, and land backed up with farming education to teach locals how to optimize the renewable farms and provide long-term growth,

Phase One of our overall Marketing, Branding, & Fundraising project is a complete upgrade of their website for mobile device compatibility with video capability. This included site optimization with SEO, creation of a blog interface for mobile-capable posting uploads, and installation of a Members Forum for donors to follow the project's progress and even communicate with HPI's overall community. A new video section makes it possible to educate local Africans on farming techniques and to inform potential world-wide donors about how their donations are paying real dividends.

Phase Two of our overall Marketing, Branding, & Fundraising strategy will involve a complete campaign designed to help volunteers and board members boost fundraising across social media, corporate sponsors, existing donor pipelines, and live fundraising events. This new materiel will be embedded into the website and across new social media profiles to raise public awareness for the cause.

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