Social Media Strategy & Website Integration
Modern companies must embrace numerous avenues of social media marketing. We can help integrate your message with today's leading social media outlets including YouTube, Linked-in, and Facebook. If you don't incorporate social media within a multimedia website design, you will be ranked much less favorably in search engine results, such as Google. Our business consulting services can help with brand management, imaging, marketing, social media integration, and implementation strategies to maximize your results.
Social Media Integration
We will link your multimedia website presence to all of your personal or corporate social media profiles to a maximum of 5 services. We will create your profiles and link them to your multimedia website via Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter, MySpace, Google+, YouTube, Instagram, MSN, and any other chosen service. ​ By linking to other websites, your search engine ranking with Google, Bing, etc. is improved, leading to better SEO (search engine optimization) results, and better marketing exposure.
Vimeo Profile & Channel
The world is going to video in a hurry and if your website does not contain it, you risk losing ranking in search engines and business credibility in the marketplace. ​ We will link your multimedia website presence to your own personal or corporate profile and channel on Vimeo, the world's alternative to YouTube, and leading video hosting service that allows for streaming to exclusive viewers. ​ Stream your video content directly to your multimedia website with proper plug-in coding, and instantly add professionalism to your business. We will create your profile and link it to your multimedia website, while maintaining branding consistency. ​ Video content creation is extra.
LinkedIn Profile
The business world is increasingly interconnected and using social media to search for new employees; watch the competition; research and connect with new customers; and display its products and services to the world. ​ Linked-in is a must for any business to stay connected and highly ranked in the new search engine optimization programs used by the Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search services. ​ We will link your multimedia website presence to your own personal or corporate Linked-in profile. Instantly add credibility to your business and begin connecting with a whole universe of new possibilities. We will create your profile and link it to your multimedia website, while maintaining branding consistency. Update your profile regularly from your computer or mobile app. Know what is going on in advance before your miss prime selling opportunities.
Instagram Profile
The business world is increasingly interconnected and so are the millions of staff and customers who support it. The use of social media by employers to search for new employees; watch the competition; research and connect with new customers; sell products and services to the world; connect with friends; and monitor employees has never been greater. ​ Instagram is the #1 instant picture-sharing social media site on the planet and is a great tool for businesses to connect to customers in real time. Businesses use Instagram to quickly share event pictures, picture ads, and video ads with people interested in their products and services, thereby building relationships with customers, partners and influencers. From brand lift to CRM to direct sales, Instagram offers businesses an easy way to reach an engaged audience and upload event pictures, ads, and videos to a website automatically from mobile devices. ​ We will link your multimedia website presence to your own personal or corporate Instagram profile. Instantly add social media marketing power to your business and begin connecting with a whole universe of new possibilities. We will create your profile and link it to your multimedia website, while maintaining branding consistency. Update your profile regularly from your computer or mobile app. Engage viewers in real time while on location at live events such as trade shows and concerts.
YouTube Profile & Channel
The world is going to video in a hurry and if your website does not contain it, you risk losing ranking in search engines and business credibility in the marketplace. ​ We will link your multimedia website presence to your own personal or corporate profile and channel on YouTube, the world's leading video hosting service. ​ Stream your YouTube content directly to your multimedia website with proper plug-in coding, and instantly add professionalism to your business. We will create your profile and link it to your multimedia website, while maintaining branding consistency. ​ Video content creation is extra.
Facebook Profile
The business world is increasingly interconnected and so are the millions of staff and customers who support it. The use of social media by employers to search for new employees; watch the competition; research and connect with new customers; sell products and services to the world; connect with friends; and monitor employees has never been greater. ​ Facebook is the #1 social media website on the planet and is a must for any business to stay connected and highly ranked in the new search engine optimization programs used by the Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search services. ​ We will link your multimedia website presence to your own personal or corporate Facebook profile. Instantly add social media marketing power to your business and begin connecting with a whole universe of new possibilities. We will create your profile and link it to your multimedia website, while maintaining branding consistency. Update your profile regularly from your computer or mobile app. Know what is going on in advance before your miss prime selling opportunities.
Twitter Profile
The business world is increasingly interconnected and so are the millions of staff and customers who support it. The use of social media by employers to search for new employees; watch the competition; research and connect with new customers; sell products and services to the world; connect with friends; and monitor employees has never been greater. ​ Twitter is the #1 short message social media site on the planet and is a great tool for businesses to connect to customers in real time. Businesses use Twitter to quickly share information with people interested in their products and services, gather real-time market intelligence and feedback, and build relationships with customers, partners and influencers. From brand lift to CRM to direct sales, Twitter offers businesses an easy way to reach an already engaged audience. ​ We will link your multimedia website presence to your own personal or corporate Twitter profile. Instantly add social media marketing power to your business and begin connecting with a whole universe of new possibilities. We will create your profile and link it to your multimedia website, while maintaining branding consistency. Update your profile regularly from your computer or mobile app. Know what is going on in advance before your miss prime selling opportunities.
Social media refers to the use of online digital platforms by groups of people who form lose knit communities around similar interests. They share their stories, ideas, pictures, and a lot of personal information to other community members of this social hub.

It has revolutionized the way people of all ages and businesses in all industries now interact with each other. In fact, more time is now spent on social media every day by millennials than on any other form of entertainment. If your business has not yet embraced Facebook, LinkedIn. Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and other social media platforms, you are likely losing a fortune.

It has revolutionized the way people of all ages and businesses in all industries now interact with each other. In fact, more time is now spent on social media every day by millennials than on any other form of entertainment. If your business has not yet embraced Facebook, LinkedIn. Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and other social media platforms, you are likely losing a fortune.