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File Share

Share files with Others

We have come across a number of helpful third party utilities that make it easy for you to share images and files with others, either seamlessly or anonymously. Bookmark this page for reference. You never know when you might need these tools.

Handy Utilities

Visitors are welcome to use these free utilities to anonymously share information like pictures, videos, files, and other media with others without disclosing any personal information such as would be revealed using email or a text message.

Case Study: You are involved in a car accident and need to share one or more images immediately with the other driver, insurance company, doctor, or police officer, OR, you have a private medical image to share with your doctor remotely. Sometimes, one or both parties may wish to remain anonymous, so how can image sharing be accomplished while maintaining confidentiality? Unlike with traditional email or SMS texts which may typically reveal the sender's and/or recipient's contact info, simply use one of these methods to send the pictures safely and securely to the other party, for free, without exposing either party's contact info.

​Method #1: Snipboard


Share an image from your cell phone or computer without revealing either's identity by doing the following:



  1. Scan or click the QR code to go to

  2. Click on the pick a file link at the bottom of the page and then, from the Select an action screen, choose:

    • Capture Image using your phone's camera option, or

    • Select File from your phone's gallery or online folder such as OneDrive, Dropbox, or Google Drive.

  3. The file will then be uploaded to the app and a tiny URL will be created that can be anonymously shared verbally with a third party by reading off the Saved as: generated link.


PC or Laptop

  1. On a PC, locate the desired file to share on your hard drive, right click and then choose COPY, or use CTRL-C to copy the picture to the clipboard buffer.

  2. Follow the instructions shown to paste the image to the website widget.

    • To paste the image to the website link, navigate to the page and hit CTRL-V to paste the image and auto upload the file. Or, simply drag and drop the image from your file folder to the page.

  3. The file will then be uploaded to the app and a tiny URL will be created that can be anonymously shared verbally with a third party by reading off the Saved as: generated link.


Using either a phone or computer, this simple technique allows you to quickly and securely share any image with a third party while maintaining two-way double-blind anonymity. You will need to repeat this procedure for each image you need to share! Enjoy this FREE tech tip from ThoughtWurx.



Method #2: One-time Drop +


Share an image from your cell phone or computer without revealing either's identity by doing the following:


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