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Team it Up!

At HPI, we believe in  a cooperative approach to farming instead of any 1st world to 3rd condescension! A sharing atmosphere allows for smooth knowledge transfer so as to foster rapport and create buy-in for locals to facilitate their own transition into self-sufficiency.

South Sudan and Western Ethiopia
and other places we work

The farm land is highly fertile and abundant, the rains are plentiful, the average daytime temperatures are ideal and cropping is a 12 month, year round activity.


Workers are ready, willing and able and transportation corridors are being built. Domestic and international markets for all farm produce have been well established.

In other areas of the HPI website we have laid out our general thoughts and plans regarding the creation of a sustainable agricultural based economy within the areas that HPI has established itself. Specifically, HPI wishes to assist the local farmers in quadrupling their total cropped or planted land, and to introduce improved seed varieties and cropping methods to the farmers.

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