Our Vision, Values and Beliefs
That – all mankind are created equal in the eyes of GOD.
That – all mankind are equally deserving of respect, education and opportunities in life.
That – extending help to others, whenever and in whatever way possible, is a good thing.
That – all team members and recipients feel valued as full equals, loved and appreciated.
Humanity’s Promise Int’l (HPI) is a Canadian Charity providing humanitarian services in Eastern Africa. We play no favourites. We are a charitable non-political charity that seeks to work beyond the boundaries of tribal issues. Humanity’s Promise Int’l is no stranger to the challenges faced by most African nations and their citizens. Having worked for many years among the needy in west central Kenya we concluded that a radically different approach was needed to address the myriad needs. We believe that countless donor dollars are spent annually on the symptom of the illness without adequately seeking or addressing its root cause. HPI endeavors to never trivialize the complexity of the social and economic ills within many east African nations, especially those caught up in seemingly never-ending cycles of civil conflict and war.
Strife, conflict and social unrest always produce poverty, hunger and despair -- ----poverty, hunger and despair always produce strife, conflict and social unrest!
Drawing upon a lifetime of agricultural related experiences, John Bossuyt believed that he had a number of the necessary skill-sets that could serve a useful purpose in addressing the hunger and poverty issues facing the people in those areas that he was working. Prayerfully considering the magnitude of the undertaking he believed that others would ultimately join in and assist with the project. From those modest beginnings Humanity’s Promise Int’l was born.