Experimental Farm & Agricultural Apprentice Center
In many African nations, many natural resources remain untapped.
These natural resources don’t merely include precious metals or minerals. At HPI we like to think of human beings as the most precious natural resource. Our work is
built upon a sincere desire to develop this human resource.
This work includes:
(1) Advancing basic agricultural practices to feed these communities in self-sustainable ways.
(2) Advancing an agriculture-related micro-economy between HPI communities and their neighbors in these areas.
(3) Facilitating educational, leadership training and character development activities.
At the Agricultural Apprentice Centre (AAC) the lines have become somewhat blurred.
The HPI Experimental Farm and Agricultural Apprentice Centre is located in the Obbo region of South Sudan, roughly 100 miles south-east of the capital city of Juba, South Sudan. The farm itself is nothing fancy, just 250 acres of highly fertile land located adjacent to the River Ayii. No classrooms with tables and chairs, just acres of learning opportunities combined with a lot of hard labour.
The local village farmers have warmly embraced the idea that an international charity has chosen their village for its home base in South Sudan. Hope and enthusiasm has replaced gloom and despair. 40 acres have been cleared of grass and brush, soil has been turned, crops have been grown and hungry families have been fed. A small modest beginning but the local farmers rejoice.
The people of the Obbo region desire change. They wish to modernize their primitive farming methods and are seeking assistance from groups like HPI to assist them in finding solutions to make the transition.
The EXPERIMENTAL FARM will largely focus upon developing improved cropping methods and introducing additional food group varieties. Plants exhibiting the strongest characteristics will be cultivated for purposes of providing seed stock – firstly to the farmers of the Obbo region and then to other interested groups. The primary focus of the AAC will be to teach technical skills—mostly agricultural—but diverse enough in nature to include a wide variety of learning opportunities. Initially, most of the programs being offered will be tailored to serve the immediate needs and life experiences of the local people. Recognizing that it lacks the necessary resources and expertise required to meet many of the teaching needs at the AAC, HPI has sought help from the international educational community. HPI felt that it was imperative to establish an alliance with an organization that could provide a hands-on learning experience within the agricultural industry.
Humanity’s Promise Int’l has found what it was looking for in Kinneret College in Israel who will provide hands-on learning opportunities for 10 of the brightest most agriculturally minded young farmers from the Obbo region. While there, they will be given extensive agricultural training in a variety of disciplines. When the students complete the 11-month program in Israel and return to their homes in South Sudan, HPI will seek to match the graduate’s interests with a working opportunity within the HPI Experimental Farm and Agricultural Apprentice Centre. It is expected that these graduates will assist HPI to implement the transformation of the economy in the Obbo region and ultimately other areas as well.
UPDATE: Covid 19 has caused the temporary suspension of this program.