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AirBnB is the leading peer-to-peer online marketplace and homestay network enabling people to list or rent short-term lodging of their residential properties. Hosts must create custom profiles to list their homes using the excellent web-based platform provided. However, there is a significant learning curve involved for some less tech-savvy hosts. We eliminate this learning curve and create the entire profile for you using content that you provide. Additionally, we can develop printable guidebooks, promotional handouts, and a PowerPoint-to-Video-based, walk-through presentation tour to send to guests before they check in. Hosts may include instructional messages and other tourist-oriented suggestions to enhance their offering. Video is highly useful to personalize the guest experience, especially if guests arrive at odd hours or when the host is unavailable for the personal welcome tour. Self-check-in is becoming more popular with hosts, and video can take your place while providing a resource for guests to review at any time before or after arrival.
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(Note: some resources may still be in development depending on the item)
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Ready to Order?
To purchase this service in either CAD or USD, simply click the Buy Now button for your local currency and you will be taken directly to the Stripe shopping cart checkout. This is our preferred default method of payment using Stripe. However, if you prefer to use the PayPal interface instead, click the PayPal Buy button where you will have the option to use your credit card without creating a Free PayPal account, or you may login into a new or current PayPal account.
(Note: if a selection is unavailable when clicking a button, then we may have not yet coded the cart for that option. Please choose another option or Contact Us to have it created.)
Note: Not all services can be self-ordered through our online store; such services will be invoiced directly. CANADA ONLY: If you are in Canada and ordering just this single service in $CAD, you may also use the Single Item Quick Order button. If you are ordering more than one service, choose the Online Store for Multi-item Orders button to add items to the shopping cart.
For all credit card payments, a fee of 3-4% will be included in the Tax line item at checkout to cover our merchant processing costs. Upon request of an invoice, this transaction fee can be avoided by paying directly by e-transfer. Payments are fulfilled via Stripe, PayPal, or Square.
See our services tab for more information on other ancillary services you may require.
Intake Form + Document Upload
To request more information on this specific service, and to inform us about your needs so we can prepare a proper quote, please complete the Service Intake Form by clicking on the button below (note: if it is not clickable, then use the General Request for Quote form by clicking the button in the top margin).

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It may not work with a VPN enabled.)