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Brampton Productions is an independent Film Production company based in Nigeria, West Africa. It was founded by Anuli Ajagu, in 2023.

In collaboration with the Canadian Company RevAnuli Inc. (the sponsors), Brampton Productions is the production company for the film, Praise Party, and will be responsible for the management of the Nigerian Theatrical release of the film and others yet to come.


The organization aims to produce high quality films that will showcase Africa to the world with entertaining, enriching, and inspiring content of various genres, and that will bring hope and healing to the world.


Brampton Productions is set to add value to the Nigerian, the African, and indeed, the global film industry.


To create entertaining and enriching productions.

Entertaining and Enriching!



To use film and other mass media to communicate messages that will add value to lives.



Brampton Productions | by Anuli Ajagu

©2023-24 by Brampton Productions | RevAnuli Inc..

Proudly created by ThoughtWurx using Wix technology. 


A Creation of

Anuli Ajagu



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