Personal and Corporate Business Consulting
Complete end-to-end business solutions for your company. Many businesses have only a vague idea where to start when it comes to the myriad of functions required to launch and maintain a business. Often times clarity and purpose can be better defined through reflection on what is right and wrong about a business. Why not let a third party objectively review your operation and offer a fresh an unbiased perspective? We offer a variety of consulting services that can help. Secret shopping audits, sales system development and implementation; staff training; and management consulting.
Secret Shopping Audit
Are your employees following established procedures regarding the sales process, customer service, internal training, public & investor relations, marketing & branding consistency, etc.? If not, it is often due to employee handbooks, procedure manuals, and systems integration being neglected. Using the "secret shopper" method, also known as mystery shopping, we pretend to be a customer of your business and report back with the detailed eye-opening results. We can then update or develop such tools and then train your staff on how to interpret and apply the guidelines approved by management. Know what your customer experiences when dealing with your company. It's often an eye-opening revelation.
Sales System Development & Implementation
Do you have a formalized end-to-end sales system and customer relationship management CRM program that is common to all locations, divisions, or staff? If not, we can help design one that will ensure consistency of processes that is measurable and attainable by your employees. Too often business fly by the seat of their pants in the sales department with no clear plan on how to execute a comprehensive sales system. We help put one into place to better grow your business.
Strategic Capital Funding Action Plan
Is your business looking to expand, launch a new product or service, purchase a building, hire more staff, open a new call centre, or do you have some other plan that requires significant capital investment, and you don't know where to turn first? Perhaps you have a business or project that is in need of third party capital financing, private debt or equity investment, crowdfunding, venture capital, angel investment, strategic partnerships, government grants, or other sources of funding? Let us help point you in the right direction with a proper Strategic Capital Funding Action Plan prepared by our veteran funding specialist.
Management Consulting
Management is often too busy to learn and train themselves on the latest in effective management and HR tools. We provide a third-party perspective on how senior staff can improve their relationships with employees to help boost morale, productivity, and the bottom line. This is best preceded by a Secret Shopping Audit and a direct employee interview process to first uncover the hidden issues brewing in the workplace. A complete report and recommendations package is then prepared for management's review. A lack of management insight and interest in addressing issues is a leading precursor to an unsatisfied workplace resulting in costly turnovers of key employees.
Staff Training
Do you have a formalized staff training program that helps launch new employees and consistently trains even seasoned veterans with the latest education or industry-specific knowledge they need to remain competitive? If not, we can help design one that will reduce your cost of training, increase consistency of message, be deployable worldwide, is proprietary and copy-protected. We can utilize the standard printed material and seminar format; small group or one-on-one manager-to-employee coaching method; or online virtual teaching assistant technologies to allow employees to self-educate, on-demand, in their own time. A combination of all three tends to work best.
Project Management
In striving to squeeze the last bit of profit margin out of a company's expenses, Project Management is becoming increasingly important to boost productivity, control costs, collaboratively share information more efficiently, and protect data flow from unauthorized access or security breaches. With the massive adoption rate of mobile devices over the last few years, teams need and demand better ways to collaborate on short and long-term project tasks, while management needs to monitor the work flow relative to business objectives. We can help you select and choose the right tools for the job, and then implement them into your workplace.
Payment Gateways Set-up
A payment gateway is a merchant service provided by an e-commerce application service provider that authorizes credit card or direct payments processing for e-businesses, online retailers, bricks and clicks, or traditional brick and mortar. The payment gateway may be provided by a bank to its customers, by a specialised financial service provider as a separate service, such as PayPal, Stripe, Square, ApplePay, AndroidPay, Authorize.net, QuickBooks, WorldPay, AmazonPayments, GoogleCheckouts, or by one of hundreds of other payment service providers. The process to set up a payment gateway is somewhat technical and bewildering to the novice business owner. If you want to take mobile or website payments for your products or services that you sell, but don’t know where to start, we can help. No need to worry about the details and spend days learning how to integrate your payment gateway. We will handle all the logistics and technical set-up for you to create a seamless interface between your bank and your customers.

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