Marketing Strategy Design & Development
Marketing is the integrated plan of action that coordinates all functions of a business to drive sales that boost the bottom line. Marketing pulls together personnel & resources to develop the conceptual ideas of the stakeholders and move them to market while considering the overall brand, culture, mission, customer target market, demographics, financial & human resources, economic & political climate, and other critical success factors. The following services are some of what we offer to help businesses implement the marketing function.
Marketing Strategy
Although broad and varied in scope, a marketing strategy lays out target markets and the value proposition that will be offered based on an analysis of the best market opportunities. It is an over-riding directional concept that sets out the planned path or, essentially, a formula for how a business is going to compete, what its goals should be, and what policies will be needed to carry out these goals. Most business lack a coordinated plan that pulls together all facets of the business including marketing, branding, social media, technology, human resources, management, and accounting. Let us help you identify, develop, and coordinate that needs of your organization.
PowerPoint Design
Need a super cool, highly impactful, and memorable presentation for your next board meeting, opportunity presentation, or social gathering? We can produce state-of-the-art slide shows with custom-made graphics, animations, embedded video & website links, integrated spreadsheets & charts, and audio soundtracks with voice-overs; whatever your needs demand. Best of all, your presentations can be converted to various video formats that are suitable for play on your computer, or uploaded to social media, YouTube, or embedded on your website. Don’t waste time learning the more advanced techniques and features of PowerPoint. Just provide us with your basic content, graphics, videos, or other items to be included, and we will create your entire ready-to-go animated presentation for you in a fraction of the time. Let an expert do your hard work so you can focus on your job and rehearsing your presentation.
Print & Reproduction Services
Need a quick turnaround on brochures, business cards, banners, letterhead, stand-up banners, magnetic car signs, table toppers, calendars, outdoor flags, trade show booths, inflatable outdoor wavers, coasters, magazines, and other printed collateral? Not only can we help design the content and layout in-house, but we can arrange for the printing with one of our several local and national vendors who give us preferred rates not available to consumers directly. Request a quote today.
EventBrite Profile & Event Creation
EventBrite is the number one event listing site in the world. Reach the largest possible audience for your featured event; book reservations; sell tickets; host private listings; setup sales affiliates to share in the ticket sales; and expand your reach for your product or service by hosting a live event listed on EventBrite. We can help create your host profile, develop and list your first event, integrate your event calendar to your various websites and online social medium profiles, and design email templates to get the word out to your prospects. Save a fortune in time and hire a knowledgeable team to quickly launch your next event on this incredible platform.

Here, we see that marketing starts with the right strategy to determine the action plan. Promotion leads to results which are assessed for required changes. Through change comes real growth, ultimately leading to success of the business.

Here, we see that marketing starts with the right strategy to determine the action plan. Promotion leads to results which are assessed for required changes. Through change comes real growth, ultimately leading to success of the business.